Media Release: Immediately

Friday, November 27, 2015

Contact: Ellen Eagen, Esq. | 315.256.2461 

New Charter High School Planned: Presentation of sustainable sciences school for non-traditional learners to be held on November 30, 2015 at 7 p.m.

November 27, 2015, Syracuse NY: The Sustainable Sciences & Technology Foundation announces plans to start an exciting new Charter High School in Syracuse. OnTECH Charter High School will focus on students who can benefit from a non-traditional learning environment including new Americans. A meeting will be held presenting the school on Monday evening, November 30, at 7:00 p.m. at Pastime Athletic Club, 1314 North Salina St. (at Court Street/ parking next to the facility).

The curriculum will be based on jobs of indigenous industries in Central New York and on subjects of growing expertise in the region. Since agriculture is the main industry for Upstate, the courses will include agricultural sciences and agribusiness as well as sustainable sciences, solar and alternate energy.

The Foundation director, Ellen Eagen, a Syracuse resident, teacher and an attorney specializing in education, stated: “OnTECH’s vision is to impassion students by providing them with an education relevant to our community and teaching employable skills that will enable students to get jobs upon graduation or continue on to college.”

OnTECH will combine tried and true educational models, such as small group, intense remediation with cutting edge educational models like the robotic tele-presence of experts in the field from the around the world. The school founders include graduates of Central Tech of Syracuse, Brooklyn Technical High School and Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, who are invested in seeing students graduate with employable skills, find employment with regional businesses and build their careers in our region.

In order to be formally established, OnTECH must be successful in its application for charter authorization from New York State. The Foundation will file a Letter of Intent in the December 2015 cycle with one of the New York State charter authorizers.

© 2021 OnTECH Charter High School -- Sustainable Sciences & Technology Foundation